TJ Search

About Us

Helping you Recruit the best Talent For your Needs

With an enduring commitment to learning and adapting, our operation is about providing you with the latest insights and trends, helping to create successful matches that foster organizational growth.

Benefit from Jeff Edgar’s steadfast focus on the property and built environment sector. 

Deep Research

Trust in our commitment to find professionals relevant to your organisation, and experience the joy of seeing them drive your success.

From Inception to Final Choice:

Our dedicated team guides every step, ensuring you find the perfect match.

About Us

Utmost care

We’re not just another agency; we’re an independent, niche-focused team committed to meeting the specific needs of real estate professionals. Benefit from our unique blend of independence and specialisation, crafted exclusively for you.

with A helpful attitude.

dedicated Expertise

Measured Performance

Immediate Insights

Why Choose Us

Keeping you informed throughout With Clear Communication...

Dive deep into the raw mechanics of top-tier hiring. We strip down recruitment to its core, craft it, shape it, and then custom-fit it to your one-of-a-kind demands.

No fluff, just straight-talk so there’s clarity for you, throughout the campaign, telling your story to the professional world.   

Giving Back

Caring for Our Community and Planet

We actively promote and support Prostate Cancer UK, contributing regularly to the vital work and greater awareness about the disease that affects 1-8 men.

Jeff with the unwavering support and encouragement of his daughter Liz, successfully completed the 50km Cotswold’s Ultimate Challenge.

Thanks to generous donations, they raised a smidgeon under £2000 for both Prostate Cancer UK and Cancer Research UK.

We’re taking active steps to protect the environment by planting trees through Tree-Nation helping to balance our carbon emissions and create a greener future for all.

Ketrawe commented: 

“We at Ketrawe are thrilled and honoured to partner with TJ Search in planting trees in the Bolivian Amazon Basin. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to TJ Search for your unwavering commitment to nature and our collective pursuit of a better future.”

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focus on Real Estate Recruitment

Linking Business to Highly Skilled Property Professionals

30+ years' experience.

Found the talent, matched the talk

Personalised approach

Matching your values and goals.

Search with discretion

Sourced the best, backed the talk

End-to-end support

Seamless hiring from consultation to onboarding