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UKREiiF 2024: Takeaways From A Torrential Success in Leeds and Robot Dog “Spot”

The UKREiiF 2024 in Leeds was an unforgettable event, marked by both its immense scale and the equally impressive downpour on Wednesday. Navigating the sea of pavilions, as a virgin attendee, it was clear of the event’s popularity, it is impressive just in terms of the schedule of presentations and the vast numbers of professionals across so many industries.  


Navigating a Crowded and Rainy Real Estate Forum

This influx of professionals made each hallway a bustling hub of activity where planning to attend specific presentations discussions often gave way to serendipitous encounters with old colleagues and new connections alike.

The informative presentations and discussions, spanning topics from housing delivery challenges to innovative regeneration projects, ensured there was never a dull moment—even if dodging downpours and dashing between venues became part of the adventure.

Accept that planning a meticulous calendar coupled to networking is a fine balancing act. Pertinent to leave space in the schedule – it will more likely to get eaten up. Attendances to one or more talks, will be thrown out by a “Where are you and are you free?” text.

Cumberland Council had Spot the robotic dog on their stand and various robotic tools demonstrating the serious work undertaken on the decommissioning and clean-up at Sellafield.  Novelty to see but highlighting the ways such technology is impacting in difficult operations.  

Copious gatherings and fringe events really do take you into later hours but its important to pace yourself, certainly over the first two days. It is clear, that for many attendees, the first two days is enough.


Planning for UK REiiF 2025 – is it worth it?

Most definitely. The opportunity to network and catch up with contacts across so many sectors. One impromptu conversation at a coffee table had more focus on Friday night’s Take That concert in Middlesborough.  

Scheduling your day’s is certainly good practice but prepared for part of it to be thrown out. Comfortable footwear is a must, and for those caught off-guard by the weather, a lesson learned: always pack an umbrella and a change of (waterproof) shoes. “My shoes are still damp” was a common greeting on Thursday morning.

I am a convert, UKREiiF provides the platform to forge meaningful connections across the real estate industry and through the various presentations an understanding how best to facilitate mutually beneficial relationships.

Whilst the scope and breadth of topics covered is phenomenal, the remarkable factor is how much is “missed” throughout any day. With the event’s scale and the sheer volume of content on offer, 2025 event is back in Leeds and planned to be even bigger. Jeez!